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Presenter Studio

Presenter Studio

Tuesday, 10 March 2015 14:43


The Presenter Studio is a totally unique experience.  This award winning presenter training company gives you access to TV Producers who work in the industry.  Gareth Davies and Leon Campbell are two of the UK’s most respected TV Producers with over 20 years of experience.

They host the training The Presenter Studio offers, and ensure that everything is bespoke to each client – carefully planning what they think makes them exciting as talent and also where they have the best chances of getting work.

Take a look at 2 presenter showreels that were done on the last presenter training courses – the award winning fast track presenter training programme.

Jake – http://youtu.be/Cndj-OOsoX8

Rachel – http://youtu.be/CjYU5QtT9pY

Friday, 20 March 2015 14:42


I was watching the coverage of the Solar Eclipse this morning on the BBC and it reminded how just how important having passion for your subject is as a TV Presenter. To me, it could have been really dull – but instead it was fun and made sense!

The combined passion and expertise of Dara O Briain and Brian Cox made what could be a stuffy, old fashioned bit of television something exciting, entertaining and enjoyable.

They shared their excitement and love for all things scientific with us as 9 in the morning and it made the whole event feel special and real.

It’s this kind of passion that you need to share as a presenter – whether you love star gazing or cake baking, music, current affairs or scuba diving. That is what makes you interesting and different from everyone else.

At the Presenter Studio, that is what we love helping people with. You need to celebrate your differences and characteristics on tape – that’s what a Producer is looking for when they are looking for on-screen talent.

Kaylee Hewlett worked with us a couple of years ago on the Fast Track Presenter Course and has been flying ever since. Her passion and skill for fashion and styling has got her loads of really exciting work. Kaylee got in touch this week to share some clips of her in action with us on her rather exciting website… Take a Look!


If you’re feeling inspired – then come and work with us! We have a workshop called ‘How to Make It As A TV Presenter’ on April 29th and have just released dates for our award winning two day Fast Track courses in April, May and June.

Or, we now also have availability to work with you on a one to one basis if you prefer that option!

Just get yourself over to the website and the Book Now page to secure your place.


Remember – passion sells!

Leon & Gareth

Monday, 20 April 2015 14:40


TV is the best business in the world – official!

That’s what we think anyway… But, sometimes getting started can seem like the biggest leap. So, instead of us telling you how you should just go for it – how about hearing from people we have worked with have to say? No matter how old you are, where you’re from or how much experience you may have had there are exciting opportunities out there if you want them.

Last week we had one of our catch up networking events and there were so many brilliant updates from everyone there about the exciting things they are up to. Some, so exciting we can’t even tell you yet!!! Here are just a couple of recent emails we’ve had at Presenter Studio HQ – which make us feel good. But may also inspire you take the plunge…

Charles Roberts:

“Just wanted to send you an email apologising for me not being able to make the networking  yesterday, however my life has been going a bit mental at the minute.

I got offered a job (partnership with BBC3) filming a documentary and debate in Manchester. As always I can’t thank the Presenter Studio enough, got given so much confidence, found who I really am and how to utilise my personality”

Nina Blakemore:

“Leon, I really am so over the moon with the tape, thanks for doing such a great job and for your kind words :) 

I have been offered a little part time presenting job with a new local TV channel so I am excited about learning the ropes with them, they seem really lovely so fingers crossed!

It was definitely the two days I had with you that gave me the confidence to do the screen test with them-  and also the practice I had with the dreaded autocue!! ;-)”

This all happened in the same week as us working with a stylist called Hayley, a Formula One Racing driver, a stand up Comedian called Eki and a gymnast called Doug – all great talents with great new tapes on the way.

So – how do you get involved? Well it’s so simple…

We have limited spaces on our brilliant award winning two day Fast Track course on May 9th and 10th or June 13th and 14th .

We also have a few spaces left on our workshop session – ‘How To Make It as a TV Presenter’ on April 29th. This is the perfect way to get a taste and see if you like being a TV Presenter – we bet you will….!

All this can be booked via the BOOK NOW page on our website – www.presenterstudio.com. Or you can ask about paying in instalments by Direct Transfer if that suits you better. Just email us – This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Go on….!

See you very soon

Leon & Gareth

The Presenter Studio



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Former Formula One driver Mark Webber has been put through his paces with The Presenter Studio this week.  He’s doing so much more media work now, and this guy is on fire!  We had two fabulous fun packed days in the studio on location at Silverstone.  He’s a Producer’s dream and is clearly going from strength to strength.

We had some just lovely feedback and here’s what his PR people had to say about our time together:

Mark and myself thoroughly enjoyed the two days with you guys, it’s certainly been hugely beneficial for him to learn on the go and get all your valuable tips how he can improve, he’s done quite a bit before and it’s a great confidence boost for him to get some insights and suggestions where he can improve.

Friday, 10 April 2015 14:33


Well done for making it through another week! How’s the presenting going?

Well seeing as it’s Friday we wanted to share some exciting new presenting talent with you.Both these guys completed our brilliant two-day Fast Track course recently and they’re both Welsh…

What’s really important to see is how much they share their passions on tape.

Here’s Erin:


And here’s Michael:


It’s a really easy mistake to make when putting together a tape to forget what it is that makes you stand out and be interesting. After all, if you don’t tell me that you are into archaeology I’ll never know or if you assume I’ll guess that you love pop trivia then you may well miss out on that big job.

Presenting is all about personality and sharing your passions, opinions and unique perspective with everyone else.

Nobody wants to watch bland and generic faces reading out information… That’s not what Davina, Brian Cox, Jonathon Ross or David Dickenson do is it?

So avoid the trap of being bland and showcase your individualness! Come and work with us at The Presenter Studio and get yourself out there!

We have limited spaces available on our workshop ‘ How To Make It As A TV Presenter’ on April 29th – which is a brilliant introduction to the world of TV and your chance to hang out with us for an afternoon.

Or – get yourself on one of our award winning Fast Track two-day courses on May 9th/10th or June 13th/14th.

All of these can be booked via the BOOK NOW page on the website or by Direct Transfer if that is easier for you.

Happy weekend everyone

Leon & Gareth

Wednesday, 15 April 2015 14:32


It’s the second day of our presenter training with Formula One driver Mark Webber on behalf of Red Bull today and we are off to Silverstone.

We had a great day yesterday doing loads of studio work, branding chats, producing…and now we are taking it all onto the track.

He’s one talented guy, and an absolute joy to work with.

Want to know what it takes to be a Top Gear Presenter?

Thinking of auditioning for the job of a lifetime and working alongside Chris Evans?

Well – listen to BBC Radio 5 Live at 8.40pm tonight (Sunday 21st June) to hear Gareth explain exactly what it takes to make the perfect audition tape.

Gareth is going to be giving live advice to a genuine auditionee and pass on the top 5 do’s and don’ts you need to know when auditioning for that dream TV job.

You can’t afford to miss this!

Leon & Gareth

Friday, 19 June 2015 14:29


So – things never stand still for long in TV and with Chris Evans finally being revealed as the new Top Gear host the search is no on for someone to join him… Could it be you? Well why not? The BBC is genuinely casting its talent net far and wide – with some criteria attached of course!

If you want to know more then click on this link:


Opportunities like this are so exciting and only go to remind us again how right we are about how you need to showcase your passion on tape as fast as you can! It’s like we always say – no producer ever wants a TV presenter, they want a personality who can help bring the show to life. If ever there was a great example of that it’s Top Gear! You need to sell your passion for cars – in whatever form in less than 30 seconds to be in with a chance here. If you’re not into cars, then this isn’t for you…

TV is fast and efficient and you need to know your brand and make an impact with it fast to make sure you stand out from the crowd. There’s no point pretending to do weather reports or quiz games if you’re really passionate about hip hop dance or chess! Those things are the interesting bits that could get you the dream job!

This is why we love working with you and helping you turn yourself into marketable brands to help you get where you need to go.

Keep passionate and keep looking for those jobs that suit you!

Leon & Gareth

Monday, 29 June 2015 14:28


Got the Monday blues? Well we could be about to turn your life around…

We have been contacted by BBC’s ONE’s The One Show to put forward new presenters for the show. It’s an amazing opportunity for people who have worked with us, and we had such a lovely email from them saying how much they admire the work we do here.

So if you are on our Talent Database (you will have attended either our Fast Track or 1 to 1 Presenter Training Programmes) and think you could be the next Chris Evans or Matt Baker drop us an email with The One Show in the title.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Other successes this week: 2 of our clients have been shortlisted for the QVC job we posted. And the lovely Erin has been on ITV NEWS watch her here: http://www.itv.com/news/wales/2015-06-29/catch-up-with-newsweek-wales/

And another client has just handed one of the biggest C4 series – all will be announced soon!

The Presenter Studio Team x

Wednesday, 06 May 2015 14:27

Exciting Presenter Job…!

We have been approached for a great opportunity to get in with a major international sports brand. They do loads of stuff with crazy extreme sports and are looking for someone who fancies doing some live hosting from an extreme motocross event they have coming up in June.

To be put forward you need to email us a link to your tape at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and put MOTOCROSS as the subject.

We will only pass on people who are suitable as the client has a specific brief. It’s open to anyone who’s a fan of extreme sports!

get on it people!

Leon & Gareth

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