Media interviews can feel intimidating, but with the right preparation and mindset, they’re an opportunity to showcase your expertise and connect with your audience. Follow these five essential tips to ensure you shine in any media setting:
1 Know Your Key Messages
Before the interview, identify 2–3 key messages you want to communicate. Stick to these points to ensure your audience remembers the right takeaways.
2 Understand the Media Format
Whether it’s live TV, radio, or a podcast, tailor your approach to suit the medium. For example, TV demands concise, impactful soundbites, while podcasts may allow for deeper discussions.
3 Anticipate Tough Questions
Prepare for challenging or unexpected questions. Rehearse how you’ll steer the conversation back to your key messages without sounding evasive.
Be Aware of Your Body Language
Non-verbal cues matter! Sit up straight, maintain eye contact, and avoid fidgeting. Confidence in your posture translates to confidence in your words.
5 Practice, Practice, Practice
Practice with a media training coach or record yourself answering questions. Reviewing your performance helps identify areas for improvement.
By mastering these tips, you’ll not only build your confidence but also ensure your message lands effectively with your audience. To read more about our media training courses check them out here: