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Displaying items by tag: media training

Saturday, 13 July 2024 14:46

The importance of finding your own voice.

The importance of finding your own voice.  

All too often when we present we go into ‘presenter mode’.  We choose formal language.  We present to an audience.  And we loose our own style and our own authentic self.
But the trick to being a good presenter is to develop your own style.  use your own language and speak as you would do to a friend.  
Our presenter training is all focussed on you developing your personal brand.  We really focus in on who you are, what makes you different and how can we produce up aspects of you that make you more engaging.  
So if you want bespoke presenter training, where we help you present with personality you’ve come to the right place.  
Published in News
Monday, 25 March 2024 12:57

Cynthia Erivo - An Inspiration to All

So what did you do this weekend that inspired you?  

We were super busy at running our 2 day Fast Track Presenter Programme with The Presenter Studio but found time to go to a fiends for dinner on Saturday and to The Royal Albert Hall on Sunday to see Jason Robert Brown and the amazing Cynthia Erivo.  

And it's Cynthia that I've taken away as my inspiration. So much of communication is about passion. Getting others to connect with you. Inspiring others to learn, to take action and to absorb your message.  

The power of Cynthia Arivo as a singer is her ability to bring a song to life - connecting to the lyrics, to the cadence of a song and giving a true story to an audience. There's nothing 'over done'. There's nothing 'performed'. There's nothing passive. Just a 100% connection to a story that she wants to bring to life.  

We often ask our clients - where in your body are you speaking from? And often the reply is 'I don't know'. And then after some throught we often agree 'it's probably from inside your head'. But all communcators speak from the heart. They connect. They share a passion. And they bring something to life.

So next time you deliver a presentation, or a video for social media, or give a pitch speak from the heart...and see what happens.  


Published in News
Monday, 26 February 2024 17:01

The Presenter Studio Reviews

Words of thanks can mean so much! And so we wanted to share...


We are lucky to have so many lovely emails of thanks from the presenter coaching we did last week with The Presenter Studio....


We wanted to share some for you here:


"I could sit and listen to you all day.  I found your constructive ideas and information so insightful."


"I thoroughly enjoyed learning from you, and I'm genuinely excited to implement all the valuable tips and insights I gained from the course into my future



"Just want to say a massive! Thank you for yesterday. I had an incredible time and learnt so much."


"Thank you incredibly! The course was everything I hoped it would be and more. I have been recommending left, right and centre!"


"The day was amazing, fun, supremely enlightening and,...emotional, and for that, the greatest of thanks to you for considering and affording me the chance to be part of it!"


Thanks so much for all your kind words everyone! They really do mean so much to us! X


#presentercoaching #mediatraining #presentationskills #reviews #thanks #mondaymotivation   

Published in News
Tuesday, 05 September 2023 13:32

Media Interview Gone Wrong

A good reminder of how not to do a media interview.


Mishap by Education Secretary Gillian Keegan here as she forgot that an interview starts the moment you enter the room and ends the moment you leave.


Even if you are not mic'd the presenter's mic or top mic on the camera may pick you up.


So a good reminder to anyone doing any sort of media interview...




#interview #mediatraining #politicians #channel4 #news

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Presentation Skills Training – Dealing with Nerves  

Dealing with nerves when it comes to presentation skills can be something we all can suffer with.  So here are 5 tips to help you deal with nerves. 

1 – Chat to your friend.  Don’t present to a crowd, or a camera, instead imagine you are talking to your friend – the one who brings out the best in you.  

2 – Your presentation is your gift – your present.  People love to learn so be excited to share with them your knowledge or idea.  

3 – Rehearse – so you get comfortable. And always learn your intro so you get off to a good start.  

4 – Find somewhere early in the presentation where you can take a breath.   Asking your audience a question for example.  

5 – The power pose.  It works for me every time.  Before you do your presentation stand up, and hold a ‘power pose’ – a pose that makes you feel powerful.   And you may find it will take your brain into a positive space.  

Enjoy it! 

Published in News
Thursday, 29 September 2022 09:58


Huge congrats to Abigayle Andre - our - to 1 client who we bonded with over lockdown.  

Abigayle is now filming a brand new car TV series (can’t say anymore than that at the mo!) - as seen in the action shot here!  We are so super proud of her.  

She’s basically a TV Producers dream - talented, fun and great to work with.  Please check out her insta and her @tiktok so see some of her amazing content.

And she was also on a new consumer series for @channel5_tv this week. 

Big congrats to you lovely lady!  We can’t wait to watch the series when it comes out!! Enjoy every second of it!  

Published in News
Tuesday, 27 September 2022 15:22


Big congrats to Cameron Mackintosh who we have just secured a presenter job for a brand new series on one of the major TV International networks.  

Cameron came on our Fast Track Presenter Training Programme and like all of our clients we have put him up for presenter work.

It’s an amazing presenter job and we are super proud of him.  

It was a lot of work to secure this one - but we got there!  

Filming starts abroad today so we are sending lots of good wishes and sun tan cream your way (you lucky man)!

We can’t say anything else about the project as it’s all top secret so more news to come when it’s all announced.  

Published in News
Thursday, 08 September 2022 08:42

Liz Truss Speech

What did you think of Liz Truss’ speech yesterday as she entered no 10?  As we sit here on a long train journey up north we wanted to share our thoughts…

This was her opportunity to shine.  To show the nation a new leader.  And to be unique. Here’s what we thought…

1.  Passion.  For us it lacked genuine and honest passion.  Words need to come from the heart not just the head.  They need to be felt not just spoken.  It’s not enough to write a ‘powerful speech’ - your delivery can change and add so much.  You need to bring your script to life.  Play with the words.  Use the words.  And above all own them.

2.  Conviction.  This is an opportunity to show the nation a leader who is confident, assured and trustworthy.  But Liz didn’t feel fully connected.  She didn’t fully commit. It felt half hearted.  A leader who hasn’t yet decided ‘how I want to come across’ and ‘what are my most powerful personal attributes’ I want to display.

3.  Unique.  A speech should feel like a unique moment in time.  Something personal to you.  But this felt like a missed opportunity - a copy and paste job.  There was very little that felt this was someone laying out their own stall.  Having their own style. Instead it felt forgettably traditional and all too familiar.  So we wonder how many people really felt empowered by her speech.

4.  The visual.  Clothes and how you look do play a crucial part in how you come across. Bright colours, clean confident lines work well on camera.  Instead Liz’s outfit was more on the dark side, and felt ‘soft’ on camera.

5.  One chance.  This was a once in a lifetime moment.  Was it memorable?  Was it personal?  Was it unique?  We don’t think it was.  And that comes down to a lack of purpose. 

#liztruss #mp #primeminister #politics #speech #leadershipcommunication #mediatraining #communicationskills #opportunity #like #change #leader #people #presentationskills

Published in News
Thursday, 08 September 2022 08:42

Liz Truss Speech

What did you think of Liz Truss’ speech yesterday as she entered no 10?  As we sit here on a long train journey up north we wanted to share our thoughts…

This was her opportunity to shine.  To show the nation a new leader.  And to be unique. Here’s what we thought…

1.  Passion.  For us it lacked genuine and honest passion.  Words need to come from the heart not just the head.  They need to be felt not just spoken.  It’s not enough to write a ‘powerful speech’ - your delivery can change and add so much.  You need to bring your script to life.  Play with the words.  Use the words.  And above all own them.

2.  Conviction.  This is an opportunity to show the nation a leader who is confident, assured and trustworthy.  But Liz didn’t feel fully connected.  She didn’t fully commit. It felt half hearted.  A leader who hasn’t yet decided ‘how I want to come across’ and ‘what are my most powerful personal attributes’ I want to display.

3.  Unique.  A speech should feel like a unique moment in time.  Something personal to you.  But this felt like a missed opportunity - a copy and paste job.  There was very little that felt this was someone laying out their own stall.  Having their own style. Instead it felt forgettably traditional and all too familiar.  So we wonder how many people really felt empowered by her speech.

4.  The visual.  Clothes and how you look do play a crucial part in how you come across. Bright colours, clean confident lines work well on camera.  Instead Liz’s outfit was more on the dark side, and felt ‘soft’ on camera.

5.  One chance.  This was a once in a lifetime moment.  Was it memorable?  Was it personal?  Was it unique?  We don’t think it was.  And that comes down to a lack of purpose. 

#liztruss #mp #primeminister #politics #speech #leadershipcommunication #mediatraining #communicationskills #opportunity #like #change #leader #people #presentationskills

Published in News
Friday, 17 December 2021 09:55

Chris Whitty's TV Commercial

Have you seen the call to action TV commercial the Government have put out to encourage the public to get a booster? What do you think of Chris Whitty's delivery? Does it feel impactful and a successful call to action?


We feel it lacks the impact it deserves. And won't therefore have the impact it desires so here's where we feel he went wrong, and here's some suggestions of how it could be more impactful.


1. Prof Chis Witty is clearly reading a script...if you are using autocue to deliver a message use it as a memory tool and not a reading device. You should try and learn your script as best you can. If you are reading you feel detached from what you are saying.


2. He feels very detached from his message. If you are not connected with what you are saying, your audience won't be either. See a script as something to bring to life, to play with, rather than something that restricts your delivery.


3. There's no emotional connection. Chris Witty's read is very dry. But when you are delivering information ask yourself 'what is the tone of my piece and how can I embrace it'? The tone here is a big call to action. A rallying cry to ask the public to take action.


4. He lacks energy. The camera always dilutes what you do. It doesn't add. So if you are ever speaking on camera, make sure your energy is up.


5. Visually it's very flat and lacks impact. Chris looks tired. Like he has lost the battle. But video is a visual medium, so visually you need to connect. So make sure your body is connected, speak from the heart not the head, and look to physically engage with your message.


Let us know what you think!




#mediatraining #government #pressconference #tvcommercial #borisjohnson #profchriswitty #video #messaging #calltoaction #covid19news #presentationskills #presentationskillstraining #communications #communicationskills

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