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Presenter Studio

Presenter Studio

Tuesday, 12 April 2016 12:27


Do you have to deliver presentations at work? Here at The Presenter Studio we offer never-seen-before presentation coaching that is dynamic and effective. We’ve worked with many a well-known face and big corporations – Prudential, ASOS, The National Pharmacy Association, Red Bull to name a few.

To discuss your requirements for presentation coaching email us today: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Many congrats to Hayley Evans who has just landed a full-time presenter job after having her first baby. Here’s Hayley in action (she came on our fast track presenter training programme).  https://youtu.be/U_upu9dcKYQ

We keep in contact with everyone who comes and trains with the presenter studio.  And we love to hear everyone’s good news!

Today we heard from quite a few presenters and what presenter jobs they had landed.  Nice to hear also that Belinda Fenty is out in LA networking, as a result of the channel 4 presenter job we got for her.

And also today it was lovely to hear from Danni King who came on our fast track presenter training programme, and we also had a catch up tv presenter career consultation recently. Here’s the lovely email she sent us today!

“Just a quick email to say thanks for all your help – things are going really well at the moment after our little meeting and I stepped things up a gear.

I’ve just come back from Snowbombing festival in Austria presenting for Distract TV which was amazing.

Also the White Rabbit has been getting some great press, we were in the Daily Star last week with a really cool write up about my video from Morning Gloryville. Would love you to check it out :)


I’ve been contacting quite a few commissioners to and have been getting replies and positive feedback with all in all makes me a very happy lady! Really happy I came on the course and met you guys. Thanks !


Monday, 11 April 2016 12:18


Suggesting some of our presenters for a new TV pilot today. Good luck everyone!

Well done to Maz who has just finished filming a series for the BBC. We loved working with her on our fast track presenter training programme – such a natural talent. Take a look at the showreel/presenter talent taster tape we did for her.  https://youtu.be/wEg4ZUmwgzA

Our presenter showreels are very different to other presenter training companies that you can find out there.  What tends to happen is people are given presenter showreels that feature them pretending to be a TV Presenter – they are generic, and lack any sense of who you are, what makes you different and what type of work you are suited to.

What we do is we very carefully brand and market you for success as a unique personality. We work out what makes you good for TV, where are your best changes of getting work and then market you for success.

Jacqui came on our last fast track presenter training programme.   We think she is great for features, so we branded her according to that genre, but at the same time we were keen to embrace the entertainment work that she had already done.

Take a look at the presenter showreel we did for her.  It’s hot off the press and we think she is one to watch.   And like all of our training – this was all shot in 2 days.  But the editing does take a lot longer to do – around  3 weeks of really honing and perfecting all the footage.


Tuesday, 29 March 2016 12:02


Want to be seen by top TV producers?  Want to find out how to succeed in mainstream TV?  Want to find out why so many people have gone on to get work as a result of working with us – well now you can!  

Each year we like to run a presenter workshop for people who might be thinking of a career as a presenter but they are just not sure…and so we give our amazing How to Make it as a TV Presenter Workshop over to an offers website.  Amazing!   http://bit.ly/1MlGg55

Places are limited so do book ASAP!

Good luck!


Monday, 15 August 2016 14:45


We set up The Presenter Studio over six years ago to finally give new talent a place to shine. And it works. Our clients can be seen on all the major tv channels and are the growing future of broadcasting. We are so super proud of everyone who comes to work with us, and it’s all made worthwhile by clients like Rav today who not only has the talent to succeed but also the right attitude. He is a producers dream and today he was a true professional and that’s why this man has a great future ahead of him. We love to inspire people and we think we’ve inspired Rav but at the same time we also love to be inspired, that’s why we do what we do, and he has certainly inspired us

Thursday, 11 August 2016 14:43


Huge congrats to Ravi who presented on ITV’s Lorraine as a money expert this morning.    He came on our award-winning fast track programme and we also worked with him on a 1 to 1 basis to really refine and finesse his brand.  He’s since been signed with a fantastic agent, has had lots of TV meetings, and has now landed his first TV job.  Here’s the amazing presenter showreel we did for him, and we also look forward to doing more filming with him tomorrow, so watch this space!  https://youtu.be/YTKHKectl-I

Friday, 12 August 2016 14:42


Did you catch the very lovely Rav on ITV’s Lorraine this morning?  He had a whole 7 minute item to present and they called it Ravi’s Summer Savers.  He did a great job and we are very proud of him in his first TV appearance.  Watch it on the ITV i-player now:  http://www.itv.com/hub/lorraine/1a9360a1714

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