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Displaying items by tag: presenter course

Tuesday, 10 September 2024 13:05

The Presenter Studio Reviews

Wow!  We have just seen some of the amazing reviews our clients have left for us on Google!  

We are so happy to read such kind words, but also stories of success.  

We really do put our hearts and souls into what we do here at The Presenter Studio.  Everything we do for each client is tailormade so a lot of planning, preparation and reearch goes into each and everyone of our courses. 

So big thanks to everyone who took the time to share their experience.  It really does mean the world to us!   Check out the reviews on Google!  

And if you want the best in presenter training, presentation skills training, media training drop us a line!  

Thanks again and have a great week everyone!  

The Presenter Studio Team x 

Published in News
Saturday, 13 July 2024 14:46

The importance of finding your own voice.

The importance of finding your own voice.  

All too often when we present we go into ‘presenter mode’.  We choose formal language.  We present to an audience.  And we loose our own style and our own authentic self.
But the trick to being a good presenter is to develop your own style.  use your own language and speak as you would do to a friend.  
Our presenter training is all focussed on you developing your personal brand.  We really focus in on who you are, what makes you different and how can we produce up aspects of you that make you more engaging.  
So if you want bespoke presenter training, where we help you present with personality you’ve come to the right place.  
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Huge congrats to Holly Newson who won best Future Presenter at the @edinburghtvfest New Voice Awards! 

Holly was a 1 to 1 client in 2021 and it’s been such a joy to see the amazing work she has done since - is there no A list celebrity she’s not interviewed?!! 

Holly is smart.  Interested in stuff.  Proactive and kind.  The perfect combo!

Huge congrats Holly - make sure you now contact as many people as you can to set up some juicy meetings!

The Presenter Studio Team xx

Published in News
Tuesday, 26 September 2023 13:04

Presenter Training 2024 Dates Now LIVE!

2024 Fast Track Presenter Training dates are now LIVE on the website!  

We've launced the weekend dates for Jan, Feb and March 2024 - midweek dates will be added in the next few weeks.  

Let's make 2024 a year to remember!  

The Presenter Studio Team 

Published in News
Friday, 01 September 2023 07:21

More clients on ITV's This Morning and Lorraine

Big congrats to Abigail Foster who came on our The Presenter Studio 1 day How to Make it as a TV Presenter Training Course last month and this week she's been on ITV's This Morning giving finance advice. She joins the long list of experts who we have had on the show - finance, fashion, beauty - you name it!

Here she is smashing her TV debut!


#finance #presentercoach #tvpresenter #itv #thismorning #expert

Published in News
Sunday, 04 September 2022 07:21

The Importance of Finding Your own Style

We work as Exec Producers in TV so it’s our jobs to hire and work with presenters.  And what’s so important is that you come having developed your own style - your own way of presenting. This is what everyone wants, but most people play things differently - even the opposite.

The trap people fall into is playing the part of a presenter.  Putting on a generic voice. Playing it safe.  But producers don’t want that.  What we want to know is ‘how are you going to bring my project to life.’ And that’s all down to your personality.

So embrace your points of difference.  Stand out rather than blend in.  That way you’ll go on to have a bigger and longer career.

Hope this helps.  

Published in News
Tuesday, 23 August 2022 07:13


Bit of invaluable Monday inspiration for you.  And it’s all about the value and power of being nice….

TV is all about teamwork.  As a presenter you need to be able to work as part of a team, take direction, be able to be produced, bring someone else’s script to life.   So when we are looking for presenters for programmes we always look for someone who is nice.   Someone we like.  And therefore someone the audience will warm to.
In the office we often day to each other - what are they like to work with?  What is that presenter like to produce?
So it’s important on so many levels to be nice!
Have a great week everyone and feel free to share your experiences and comment below.
Published in News
Monday, 22 November 2021 10:17

More Presenter Studio Success Stories

It's been another great week of presenter success stories for our clients here at The Presenter Studio.

Here are just a few of the presenters we have coached who we caught on the TV in the last week!  

Gyasi was presenting for BBC Children's In Need - anotehr dream come true!  

Rylan has been back on the BBC and BBC Radio after having his new teeth put in!  

Gayle Rinkoff was presenting for ITV's Lorraine in a fashion item. 

Annaliese Dayes has been rocking it on QVC. 

And stylist Fleur has also been on QVC!  

Lee Juggernaugh was back on A Place in the Sun for Channel 4.  

Rachel Besser was presenting on The One Show - an item she pitched to them.  

Amy Dowden got knocked out of Strictly Come Dancing this week with her partner - but wow how amazing to have got that far!   

Jack was presenting a live awards show that we got for him - and has just been secured for another one!  

AJ has been dancing her shoes off on Strictly Come Dancing - have you been watching?  

Here's to another great week everyone!  

The Presenter Studio Team x 

Published in News
Thursday, 13 May 2021 10:43


2021 has been a HUGELY successful year four our clients.  Presenters have landed contracts with the BBC, Channel 4, ITV and have been signed up by top agents.  

We've also seen our clients land some incredible meetings with TV Channels as we help and advise them on who to contact - new clients are currently in discussions with commissioners about presenting their own shows from documentaries to factual formats.  

We've helped complete novices land contracts with all the major channels over the last few months, as our success continues and more and more people come and work with us. 

So a big shout out to clients we've got work for, who are in talks about exciting work, and also to those who are also brave enough to wait.  We are here for you.  We will support you.  And we are your family!  

Let's keep smashing 2021 together!  

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We are experts in helping businesses be better at communicating, whether that is in internal or external communications from meetings, to pitches, to webinars, to events…


Everything we do with businesses is bespoke – we get to know your business, your customer/audience and also your needs, and then we write a bespoke training programme.  


We work with businesses of all shapes and sizes from offering social media content coaching to sports therapists, gyms and hairdressers to working with global giants like NIKE and their content creators called EKINS.   


We are all about you finding and developing your own voice that gets the impact you want – whether that is to increase your audience reach or to simply be better at what you do.  


So if you are looking for presentation skills training, media training or presenter coaching we are a great place to come.  

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