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Displaying items by tag: how to be a good speaker

If you have to deliver presentations at work this video is for you!

Here we share our top 10 presentation skills and tips on how you can leave a great impression, come across with confidence and master the art of presenting. In this video we cover everything from presentation skills, to how to write your presentation to how to get the most out of your presentation too.

So if you want to be a better presenter - check out these 10 amazing presentation tips.


Published in News
Monday, 08 February 2021 14:41

Media Training

Media Training:  


The media is an exciting place to be, and if thought about in the right way can really help to maximise the potential of your business. 


We want you to be excited about your media opportunity, and make sure that you get out of it what you want.  


Media training is often sterile, old-fashioned and out-of-date.  Viewers are now wise to people who are ‘media trained’ – instead they want authentic speakers who communicate with personality.


Our media training courses are personality based – we will help you find and develop your own style and voice.  


We also help with your messaging, and all the other tricks of the trade we have perfected over our 20 years experience in the media.  


So if you want media training that is dynamic, current and gets results get in touch.


Media training by TV Producers.  

Published in News
Monday, 02 December 2019 14:09


Many of our clients have to speak at conferences.  Stepping away from your desk, and delivering an effective presentation can be a difficult thing to do.  And for most of our clients they fall into the trap of writing a speech that is void of their own personality, that has too much corporate jargon and won't create the desired impact.

So when you are presenting at a conference think of these following steps:  

WRITE A SCRIPT:  Write your script as you would speak to a friend - make it conversational and personal to you.  

EMBRACE STRUCTURE:  When you are writing your script make sure you embrace structure - make sure you write a really strong intro.  You want to capture your audience from the off - so how you start, and how you set up your speech can be really important. 

PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT:  Practice your script out aloud as much as you can.  You want to know that script as best you can, so on the day you feel comfortable and can concentrate on enjoying the opportunity to speak to people, rather than just getting through it.  

KNOW YOUR ENVIRONMENT:  Make sure you know the space you are going to present in - if you there is a lecturn, what sort of mic is it etc.  

NERVES:  We all get nervous.  And being honest about how you are feeling can make you more personable and relatable, so don't be afraid to share how you are feeling.  But a good trick just before you go on is to take just one deep breath in and out, and make sure it goes fully out.  That final breath will make you match ready!  

ENJOY IT:  And enjoy it.  Think of this as an amazing opportunity to share your message with others.  Be passionate.  Smile.  And connect with what you are saying!  



Published in News
Wednesday, 25 May 2016 14:51

Presentation Skills Training Opener

Presentation Skills Training

We offer something rather special and unique in the world of presentation skills training!

We design a bespoke training programme to suit your needs.

You'll develop your own style, voice and unique presentations creating maximum impact.  

Unrivalled experience based on 20+ years in the media producing TV's biggest shows and working with TV's biggest presenters.  

We work with companies of all sizes - from global giants like Amazon to start-ups. 

We work on an individual or group basis, in person or online - from two hour coaching sessions to full days training.   Play the video to meet us! 

We work on a one-to-one basis or in group sessions - online or in person…
Published in Business Area