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Displaying items by tag: presentation coach

Presentation Skills Training – Dealing with Nerves  

Dealing with nerves when it comes to presentation skills can be something we all can suffer with.  So here are 5 tips to help you deal with nerves. 

1 – Chat to your friend.  Don’t present to a crowd, or a camera, instead imagine you are talking to your friend – the one who brings out the best in you.  

2 – Your presentation is your gift – your present.  People love to learn so be excited to share with them your knowledge or idea.  

3 – Rehearse – so you get comfortable. And always learn your intro so you get off to a good start.  

4 – Find somewhere early in the presentation where you can take a breath.   Asking your audience a question for example.  

5 – The power pose.  It works for me every time.  Before you do your presentation stand up, and hold a ‘power pose’ – a pose that makes you feel powerful.   And you may find it will take your brain into a positive space.  

Enjoy it! 

Published in News
Wednesday, 10 May 2023 10:00


If you have to deliver presentations at work this video is for you! Here we share our top 10 presentation skills and tips on how you can leave a great impression, come across with confidence and master the art of presenting. In this video we cover everything from presentation skills, to how to write your presentation to how to get the most out of your presentation too. So if you want to be a better presenter - check out these 10 amazing presentation tips.


Published in News

Do you use slides in your presentations? They can do you more harm than good! So watch this video below!

In this video CEO of The Presenter Studio Gareth Davies gives his 5 top tips on how to use slides in your presentations. This will change the way you present and use slides and is a must see for anyone who does presentations. Check it out!


Published in News
Thursday, 16 March 2023 09:29


If you have to deliver presentations at work this video is for you!

Here we share our top 10 presentation skills and tips on how you can leave a great impression, come across with confidence and master the art of presenting.

In this video we cover everything from presentation skills, to how to write your presentation to how to get the most out of your presentation too.

So if you want to be a better presenter - check out these 10 amazing presentation tips.


Published in News
Tuesday, 22 March 2022 14:32

Public Speaker

Our co-CEO Gareth Davies spoke at International Confex last week.  He gave a presentation on How to be a Great Event Presenter...

And he received some incredible feedback on LinkedIn.  So we thought it would be nice to share some of the comments Gareth received about his presentation.  

"It was the best presentation I have ever seen, incredibly valuable." 

"You gave the best presentaion I have probably seen in years." 

"It was quite something." 

"It was a masterclass in presenting."

Gareth has worked in TV and broadcasting for over 20 years, working as a producer and a presenter.  

So if you are looking for an event host, speaker or presenter you may want to give him a try so see what all the fuss is about!    

Here's Gareth's showreel:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PieMrWEdNU0


Published in News
Thursday, 24 October 2019 14:42

Congratulations to chef Norman Musa

We have a whole range of clients come and work with us.  All with very different ambitions and goals.  A few years ago Malaysian chef Norman Musa came and trained with us.  He came on the award-winning Fast Track TV Presenter Training Course. and then we also went to Manchester where we filmed with him in our 1 to 1 advanced presenter training programme.  Norman very quicky found success and went on to present for the BBC and Channel 4 on different food programmes.  He very kindly dropped us a quick update email today to say that he is now into his 5th series of his own cooking series back in Malaysia too.  We are so proud of all the success he has had.   This is what he said about working with us too: 

"Thanks to you and the course I now have 4 seasons of my own cooking show on Malaysian TV, and am about to film my 5th!"

Keep up the good work Norman!  

The Presenter Studio Team x 


Published in News
Wednesday, 25 May 2016 14:51

Presentation Skills Training Opener

Presentation Skills Training

We offer something unique, up-to-date and rather special in the all-too-sterile world of presentation skills training!

We'll help you look at your presentations differently as we help you develop your own style, voice and presentations.

We will design a bespoke training programme based on your needs. .  

Our unrivalled experience is based on over 20 years in the media producing TV's biggest shows and working with TV's biggest presenters.  

We work with companies of all sizes - clients include AOL, Virgin Media, NIKE, Prudential, Sage, Conde Naste, Lush, ASOS, SEGA, SKY, Red Bull... 

We work on an individual or group basis, in person or online - from two hour coaching sessions to full days training.  

We work on a one-to-one basis or in group sessions - online or in person…
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