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The Ideas Studio

The Ideas Studio (3)

If you already have a TV idea and want some professional help you can book an Ideas Consultation.

We discuss your idea, advising you what to do next and what changes we would make in order for you to get that all important commission.

You can bring with you whatever you want – treatments; taster tapes or simply just yourself. We are here to help.

Email us for more information: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

The one-to-one session offers a completely personal service. It runs across one intensive day and starts from how to get an idea commissioned all the way to us writing a one-page treatment if time allows. Here’s what the session includes:


Getting an idea commissioned is not easy. We teach you how ideas make it to screens, including who makes the decisions and who you need to impress.


We share the techniques of the professionals – brainstorming, how to get inspiration and what makes a good idea in the first place.


Ideas have to be presented in a ‘treatment’ – a formatted document that explains all there is to know about the idea. It has to be written in a set way, and has a style that needs to be followed – getting it right can make or break your idea. The main focus of the day is to help you write a 1 pg treatment of your idea to walk away with at the end of the day. This is what you can then send to production companies and TV channels.


Pitching to a powerful TV commissioner can be scary and intimidating. We pass on the skills that could be the difference between you getting your idea commissioned or not.

We have a track record of getting new programme ideas commissioned by all the major channels (BBC; ITV; Channel 4; Channel FIVE) in all TV genres (entertainment, factual-entertainment, features, comedy, children’s and documentaries).

We have been heads of development for the BBC, Celador Productions, Denham Productions and have worked as development executive producers for Jamie Oliver's company and James Cordon's company.  

The Ideas Studio is open to anyone who wants to develop TV ideas. If you have a passion for ideas, simply want to learn how it works, or are a new or established presenter who wants to develop ideas for you to present, our doors are open to you.

TV Companies are always on the look out for new ideas with talent attached and here is your chance to get ahead of the rest.

The Ideas Studio is your opportunity to work with us to develop TV ideas. We offer one day one-on-one sessions or for those who want a quick fix you can book an Ideas Consultation.

Read here to find out more:  One-to-One Ideas Programme and The Ideas Consultation