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Wednesday, 10 February 2016 12:47

Everyone who comes and trains with us at The Presenter Studio gets put up for TV Presenter jobs as part of our talent database.  It’s what we do for free for them as part of our continued support for everyone who comes and works with us.

Another great presenter job came in today and we have put forwards a few presenters who fit the bill of what they have asked for.  Castings are always very specific with Producers always wanting a certain type of personality/age/type.  So these presenters all fitted the bill.  See what you think and who you’d give the presenter job to!

RAV: https://youtu.be/YTKHKectl-I

NICKY: https://youtu.be/TIDWxa-zRJQ

JON: https://youtu.be/Vtj5R8JZlxM

BILLY: https://youtu.be/0_J79kQ5Hfw

DEAN: https://youtu.be/8ViUdOZyyHY

ASHLEY: https://youtu.be/VXtSaXy4aPs

SYRUS: https://youtu.be/MM0TmgYip8o

EKI: https://youtu.be/DaIqVXcbamo

SALLY: https://youtu.be/xz9eYRiegck

ANNA: https://youtu.be/8s-W9p7f2ME