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Wednesday, 06 March 2019 10:47

Public speaking is something that most of us dread.  But we see it as a great opportunity to share your thoughts, your passions, and a the perfect platform to bring about change.  

Too many people focus on the word count, and the duration, rather than the message, and the delivery.  But in order to give a good presentation you need to think differently.  

And it all starts and comes back to you needing to be yourself.  And that’s no easy thing when it comes to speaking in an alien environment.  The words you use are key to you coming across in a conversational manner.  And that’s how you need to think of your presentation – a conversation – a dialogue – rather than a lecture.  A sharing of ideas, thoughts and information.  No one likes being spoken at, or lectured to.  

So when you write your script ask yourself – would I really speak like this normally?  Or have I just written a presentation or a script?  So many scripts we see are often very hard to understand, and we all too often stop the speaker and ask them ‘what are you trying to say’ or ‘what does this mean’ and the answer is more likely than not ‘I don’t know’.   So cut out the jargon, and the ‘corporate speak’ and chat as you would do to a mate. Make it feel personal, and make it feel natural.

And how you deliver your script needs to come across as ‘you’.   What is your personal brand?  How do you want to come across?  Does this fit in with the brand of your business?   We work with people to find their personal brand and it often comes down to three key things – after all we are three-dimensional characters. 

And always come back to what is your key message.  What is the key reason you are giving your speech?   Speeches are often about wanting to bring about change – changing people’s view, changing their knowledge or perception and often the speakers ideal is for their to be a ‘call to action’.  But this can all often get lost in the waffle of the script.  So ask yourself – what is my topline here, and does everything I am saying relate back to it?  And does my outro (the ending to my speech) serve my purpose?  

We hope those few tips help you to see things a little differently.   Be proud of who you are.  Be proud of what you have to say.  And make sure you are yourself!