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Displaying items by tag: presenter course

Saturday, 21 May 2016 13:15

1 Day How To Make It As A Presenter Opener

1 Day How To Make It As A Presenter

  • Perfect for any level of experience and complete beginners
  • Perfect for presenters, influencers, YouTubers, and business people to maximise your potential 
  • No experience required - we kind of like it that way too
  • Be seen and work with the BAFTA winning Executive TV Producers behind the stars - with credits for the BBC/ITV/Channel 4/Channel 5/SKY1, and brands like ASOS, The Prudential, Porsche, Virgin Business...
  • We’ll help you understand how to brand and market yourself for success
  • You’ll learn OUR secrets that have helped create some of the biggest presenters
  • Amazing success rate - clients now on BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5, SKY, CBBC, QVC, E4 etc…
How to Make It
1 Day How To Make It As A Presenter Price: £349
Published in TV Presenter Training
Saturday, 21 May 2016 12:36

1 To 1 Advanced Programme Opener

1 To 1 Programme

  • Tailor-made presenter coaching/filming on location, studio or both for presenters, influencers or business people to maximise your potential. 
  • Work with BAFTA winning Producers and BBC Talent Executives for the BBC, ITV, Channel 4 and top brands like ASOS, Amazon & Vogue.  
  • You’ll learn OUR secrets that have helped create TV’s and social media's biggest presenters.
  • We are the ONLY presenter training company recommended by TV agents and TV channels.
  • Includes an initial consultation to discuss your needs, personal brand, how to market yourself and ideas for your filming day.
  • Incredible success rate - 100% 5 star reviews.  


Training Program Price: £1,500 for location work and £1,600 for studio and location work
Published in TV Presenter Training
Friday, 20 May 2016 14:42

Award-Winning Fast Track Programme Opener

Award-Winning Fast Track Programme

  • The Original - voted the UK’s Best Presenter Course.
  • Your ONLY opportunity to work with BAFTA, NTA winning Executive TV Producers and BBC Talent Executives - BBC/ITV/Channel 4/Channel 5//CBBC/BBC NEWS/SKY1 etc.
  • NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED – we kind of prefer it that way!
  • Tailor-made training for each client - max 4 clients. 
  • Perfect for aspiring presenters, influencers and business people to maximise your presenting skills.
  • Incredible Success Rate & 5 Star Reviews.  The ONLY course recommended by TV agents, TV companies and TV Channels.
  • Clients win a place on our Talent Database - we put you up for our exclusive presenter jobs and amazing industry opportunities.  

Why We're Voted The Best

Training Programme Price: £1,350.00 Next Dates: BOOK NOW!
Published in TV Presenter Training
  • Across 2 days you’ll work with a world renowned Executive TV Producer (yes we are BAFTA winning!) and media trainers. And it's great fun!      
  • You'll learn our secrets, skills and tricks that have created some of TV's most successful presenters.  
  • We are the ONLY industry recognised presenter training course - expert industry training based on our 20 years experience. Never-seen-before exposure, knowledge and insider information you can't find anywhere else.  Excited?  We hope so! 
  • Presenters we have worked with in their careers include a long list of incredible names - Dermot O'Leary, Zoe Ball, Claudia Winkleman, Rylan Clark, Sara Cox, Graham Norton, Tess Daley, Emma Willis, Marvin and Rochelle Humes etc.  Brands include NIKE, Amazon, Porsche, Vogue, Red Bull. 
  • Each presenter will follow their own tailor-made presenter training programme and scripts - perfect for aspiring TV presenter and influencers or business people.  
  • We are the only company to develop your personal brand, and market you for the type of work you want to do - crucial for your success.  
  • Maximum of 4 presenters on each training programme. 
  • Incredible success rate – over 80% of clients get work.  We have created some of the biggest presenters on TV with clients on the BBC, ITV, E4, Channel 4, Channel FIVE, ABC America, QVC, TV Commercials, corporate presenter jobs, BBC Radio 1, CBBC...
  • Aspiring presenters win a place on our Talent Database, where we put you up for our exclusive presenter jobs.  We have secured jobs with the BBC, ITV, Channel 4. Channel 5, CITV, CBBC, SKY 1, BBC NEWS, Amazon Prime, events hosting, corporate presenter jobs with with major brands like Amazon and TV commercials...
  • We also work as a talent scout for various top presenter agents - so you may find yourself landing an agent too!  And we have regular meetings with the likes of Channel 4, BBC and ITV where we suggest our clients for work.  
  • Incredible 5 Star Reviews from 100% of our clients.  
  • The ONLY Presenter Training Company recommended and recognised by agents, TV companies and TV channels.

Scroll down to watch our Industry Talent Taster Tapes.  Click here to read our incredible Success Stories

The Presenter Studio gives you never-seen-before access to and training from TV’s most experienced Executive Producers - the BAFTA winning Producers behind countless hit shows like Strictly Come Dancing, Gogglebox, BBC NEWS...and brands like ASOS, Amazon and Prudential.  

Excited?  You should be!

This never-seen-before presenter training programme works across 2 intensive days, where you'll work alongside 3 other clients.

Prior to your filming day you’ll be sent a 'Booking Form', to tell us about you and your presenting ambitions - whether that's for TV, social media, or your business. 

Each client then has their own presenter training programme designed for them, where we write your scripts and ensure you get bespoke presenter coaching.  

Don’t worry if you have no experience or loads - this bespoke TV presenter training programme works for people of all levels.


We'll share our secrets to success and why it is crucial to brand and market yourself according to a specific area of work.  And how to think of yourself as a 'personal brand' and as a 'unique personality'.

We’ll identify your 'market' - the genre of TV you are best suited to - from entertainment, features, childrens, documentaries to news.  Of if you are a business person or influencer we'll discuss your customer/audience that you want to appeal to.  

Don't worry, it's a lot to understand right now, but we will help and guide you.


We'll talk you through our industry secrets, tips and tricks that have helped create some of the UK's and America's best-known talent.  Check out our Success Stories to see how we've helped create some of TV’s biggest presenters who present TV's biggest shows. 


We will produce you every step of the way - giving you constant direction and advice - helping you develop your own style and personal brand.  This isn't a 'group course' - crucially each client will be produced very differently depending on their personal brand and market they want to work in.


Working with us is lots of fun, very relaxed (yes TV is actually very friendly) and we a fantastic place to learn from the experts.

The Presenter Studio is run by two of the UK's well-known TV Producers.  The harsh reality is other presenter courses are run by people who don't work in TV - so their advice and training can do you more harm than good - it's a real problem and is why we started running these courses over 10 years ago...   

We are well known in the industry, and have over 20 years experience - so what you'll get is a never-seen-before experience - the inside track to TV with tailor-made training.  


Unlike other presenter training courses this is not a ‘group course’ with lots of people waiting for thier turn, all ‘pretending to be TV presenters’ reading the same generic scripts across a week.

Instead, we'll give you the maximum amount of time on camera.  Our focus is getting you footage that is unique your brand and fits your market - and we are the ONLY company to do this.


Each presenter will follow their own bespoke presenter training programme - with a variety of scripts and ideas written for just you.

If we think you are really great for ITV2 Entertainment, we’ll be working with you very differently to someone else who is best suited to Channel 4 Documentaries, or to a business person who is wanting to create more corporate video content.


You’ll work in both the studio and on location, presenting a bespoke items unique to you and your brand - it's great fun:

How to talk to Camera - finding your own voice and style.  

Ad-libs - how to present without scripts.  

Dealing with Scripts - what is expected and how to bring them to life.  

Autocue - how to make it work for you.  

Interviews - understanding the process and the art of being a good interviewer.  

Live presenting - dealing with the pressures of live presenting.  

Talking to time - mastering the art of being time aware.  

Studio work - how to master the art of the studio.  

Location work - mastering location presenting.  

Vox pops - dealing with the public and making sure you get good content (weather dependent)!  

There might be a little overnight homework too - don’t worry it won’t take long!  (scroll back up to read day 2).  

Scroll down to watch our Industry Talent Taster Tapes.  Click here to read our incredible Success Stories

We start the day with a quick re-group.  You’ll be amazed how far you've come as you start to develop your own personal brand...


You’ll be back on camera, continuing to develop, strengthen and explore your own personal brand:

Green screen Presenting.  

Walk and Talks - it's a real skill!    

Item introductions - and as many extra pieces to camera as we can fit in, on location or in the studio!  

Your Own Idea - we also give you the opportunity to come up with your own idea for you to present.   


We are the only company to give you this priceless experience.  

It’s our job as TV Producers to hire and work with presenters, so this mock screen-test can make the difference between you getting the job or not.

So you're feeling ready to go and get work...but can you now put all you've learnt into practice?  A screen-test is your job interview for a presenter job.  And you’ll be really surprised at what Producers actually get you to do.  


We work in TV, and it's our job to hire presenters.  So we give you our insider secrets to TV, and how you can access some amazing opportunities you didn't know were available to you.

There is so much incorrect and bad advice out there - but we can help.  

So we'll tell you how to land yourself some great work and meetings with:  TV Producers.  TV Companies. TV Channels. Corporate Presenter Jobs.  TV commericals.  Presenter Agents.

We will discuss 'Presenter Showreels' - and explain to you why the ones that get made by other companies are unrelated to TV and simply won't get you work...

We’ll watch presenter showreels from other presenter training courses - and you'll soon realise how generic and unrelated to TV they are!   

We'll explain how our exclusive industry based Talent Taster Tapes will get you off on the right track...


You’ll be told what your personal brand and market is, which informs everything you do - who to contact to what type of work to go for.


For our aspiring presenters you’ll go onto our Talent Database – access to our exclusive TV presenter jobs, and free networking opportunities.

We are well-known in the industry so TV agents, TV channels and Production companies contact us to find presenters.

We’ve got presenters work on the BBC, CBBC, Channel 5, Channel 4, ITV, E4, TV commercials, QVC, Amazon Prime, and corporate work.  So if the right job comes along we’ll put you up for it.

We never promise anyone a job but what we do promise is that we give you the best chance of success.

We just ask that you keep in contact - help us to help you!


We are the ONLY company to produce an industry standard showreel called a Talent Taster Tape – a tape that brands and markets you for success.

If you want to book the edit of your Talent Taster Tape you can do so at any time.

The harsh reality is that presenter showreels from other companies are not fit for purpose - they are generic, old-fashioned and whilst they are a nice thing to show your friends and family they won't get you work.  But we do things differently...

Scroll up to read our 5 Star Reviews!  

Scroll down to watch our exclusive Talent Taster Tapes.  And click here to read our amazing Success Stories

Voted the UK’s best presenter course.  Our 100% 5 star reviews, and industry recommendations all speak for themselves!

Read some of our incredible transformation stories below - where complete beginners are now on TV, or are now influencers with 1,000's of followers.  And recommedations from top presenter agents, TV Producers and global brands.  

And did we mention if TV is your goal, over 80% of our clients get work!  Also Click here for more Success Stories.

"Thanks for putting me up for the ITV series - I got the job alongside Alan Titchmarsh on ITV! Your training has helped me in all aspects of my career and pushed me past my comfort levels. Thanks for everything".

quote kunle barker
Kunle Barker
Was a builder - now on ITV and Channel 4 signed with a top agent, presents at Grand Designs.

"The Presenter Studio is always our first and only choice to send clients to. The team are lovely and our clients are always happy".

quote mokking bird
Mokkingbird, Presenter Agency
Mokkingbird send us their clients on a regular basis, from Capital Radio DJ’s to Professional footballers, to influencers...

"The Presenter Studio gives the best presenter training, whether you are an aspiring presenter or business person. They work in TV so they have the rare ability to get the best out of people with fresh ideas, enthusiasm, and a personable and insightful approach".

quote naina parmar
Naina Parmar
BBC TV Producer.

"I honestly can’t thank you guys enough. You are the absolute best and I’d recommend this to anyone."

gyasi size
Now presenting on CBBC and the BBC.

"On the course I said This Morning was the job I was aiming for. Now I’ve got it! The training and the advice you gave contributed hugely. Thank you!"

Dr Philippa Kaye size
The resident doctor on ITV’s This Morning.

"You provide the best training. The nature of the industry means people need instant results. What I find most impressive is your ability to hone in on what makes a presenter unique, and develop that aspect of their personality."

quote cloud 9
Andrew Wilson, Cloud 9 Management
Top Presenter Agent. Andrew is one of the many agents that sends us clients to train.

"Thank you so much. You guys are an absolute pleasure. We learnt so much!"

quote Lush
Matt Bradbrook
Lush Cosmetics. Matt works at Head Office for the cosmetics brand Lush. 2 weeks after his training he was presenting an item on ITV’s This Morning!

"A massive thanks! I really enjoyed it and definitely learnt a lot. You were great so thank you!"

lee size
Presenter on Channel 4’s A Place in the Sun.

"Thank you for inspiring me and supporting me the way you have. You made me believe that I could do this, and that means a lot coming from you. I’d definitely recommend you guys!"

quote eshaan akbar
Eshaan Akbar
Was a city trader - now on BBC One, ITV, SKY, Comedy Central. We pitched ideas for Eshaan to present to TV channels, and he’s become one of the UK’s hottest new comedians.

"Thanks so much guys. I couldn’t have any of this without your help."

Laura Fleming size
Main presenter on QVC – just one of the many presenter jobs we got for her!
Training Programme Price: £1,350.00 Next Dates: BOOK NOW!
Published in TV Presenter Training
Monday, 14 March 2016 10:11

TV Presenter Training

Tailor-made presenter training by BAFTA winning TV Producers.
You’ll be expertly branded and marketed as a ‘unique personality’ - giving you the best chance of success.
There are 4 ways you can work with us:

Award-Winning Fast Track Programme

  • The original & voted the UK’s Best TV Presenter Course.
  • Your ONLY opportunity to work with BAFTA winning TV Executive Producers - BBC/ITV/Channel 4/Channel 5/SKY1/CBBC/BBC NEWS.
  • Be branded and marketed for success across 2 days.
  • Max of 4 presenters; bespoke training for each client.

1 to 1 Advanced Programme

  • Your ONLY opportunity to work with BAFTA winning TV Producers - BBC/ITV/Channel 4/Channel 5/SKY1.
  • Perfect if you have experience or prefer private coaching.
  • Includes an Initial Consultation, a bespoke training day and scripts.
  • Be expertly branded and marketed for success. 
  • Incredible success rate.  

Private Career Consultations

  • An exclusive opportunity to have a face-to-face meeting with a top Executive TV Producer (can be via zoom). 
  • Perfect for any level of experience.
  • Realise your potential, brand and market.
  • We’ll come up with a plan of action to get you to where you want to be.
  • Incredible success rate.  

1 Day How To Make It As A Presenter

  • Your ONLY opportunity to work with BAFTA winning Executive TV Producers – no experience required.
  • Learn our secrets that have created many household names.
  • Find out why 99% of other presenters go wrong!
  • We’ll reveal how and where to get work.
  • Practical work and lots of great information.  
Published in TV Presenter Training
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