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Displaying items by tag: media training

Friday, 17 December 2021 09:55

Chris Whitty's TV Commercial

Have you seen the call to action TV commercial the Government have put out to encourage the public to get a booster? What do you think of Chris Whitty's delivery? Does it feel impactful and a successful call to action?


We feel it lacks the impact it deserves. And won't therefore have the impact it desires so here's where we feel he went wrong, and here's some suggestions of how it could be more impactful.


1. Prof Chis Witty is clearly reading a script...if you are using autocue to deliver a message use it as a memory tool and not a reading device. You should try and learn your script as best you can. If you are reading you feel detached from what you are saying.


2. He feels very detached from his message. If you are not connected with what you are saying, your audience won't be either. See a script as something to bring to life, to play with, rather than something that restricts your delivery.


3. There's no emotional connection. Chris Witty's read is very dry. But when you are delivering information ask yourself 'what is the tone of my piece and how can I embrace it'? The tone here is a big call to action. A rallying cry to ask the public to take action.


4. He lacks energy. The camera always dilutes what you do. It doesn't add. So if you are ever speaking on camera, make sure your energy is up.


5. Visually it's very flat and lacks impact. Chris looks tired. Like he has lost the battle. But video is a visual medium, so visually you need to connect. So make sure your body is connected, speak from the heart not the head, and look to physically engage with your message.


Let us know what you think!




#mediatraining #government #pressconference #tvcommercial #borisjohnson #profchriswitty #video #messaging #calltoaction #covid19news #presentationskills #presentationskillstraining #communications #communicationskills

Published in News
Monday, 08 February 2021 14:41

Media Training

Media Training:  


The media is an exciting place to be, and if thought about in the right way can really help to maximise the potential of your business. 


We want you to be excited about your media opportunity, and make sure that you get out of it what you want.  


Media training is often sterile, old-fashioned and out-of-date.  Viewers are now wise to people who are ‘media trained’ – instead they want authentic speakers who communicate with personality.


Our media training courses are personality based – we will help you find and develop your own style and voice.  


We also help with your messaging, and all the other tricks of the trade we have perfected over our 20 years experience in the media.  


So if you want media training that is dynamic, current and gets results get in touch.


Media training by TV Producers.  

Published in News
Monday, 01 February 2021 10:10

Presentation Skills

Presentation Skills Training:  

We offer something extra special and unique when it comes to presentation skills training.    

We have over 20 years experience working in the media with some of the biggest presenters on TV – Claudia Winkleman, Tess Daly, Dermot O’Leary, Raymond Blanc, Zoe Ball, Roman Kemp, Rylan, Sara Cox – the list goes on.  

We are all about personal branding and marketing – helping you find and develop your own style and voice that works for your business and your customer.  

It’s crucial for us that your presentation skills training is as unique as you are, so everything we do is bespoke. 

Presentation skills coaching can all too often be too corporate, and we can help you and your business stand out, be authentic and therefore make sure your message has the maximum impact.

We’ve worked with a long list of great brands and businesses – ASOS, Lush Cosmetics, NIKE, Prudential, Virgin, AOL, The Guardian, Sage….

So if you want presentation skills training that is a step above the rest drop us a line.  


Published in News

We are experts in helping businesses be better at communicating, whether that is in internal or external communications from meetings, to pitches, to webinars, to events…


Everything we do with businesses is bespoke – we get to know your business, your customer/audience and also your needs, and then we write a bespoke training programme.  


We work with businesses of all shapes and sizes from offering social media content coaching to sports therapists, gyms and hairdressers to working with global giants like NIKE and their content creators called EKINS.   


We are all about you finding and developing your own voice that gets the impact you want – whether that is to increase your audience reach or to simply be better at what you do.  


So if you are looking for presentation skills training, media training or presenter coaching we are a great place to come.  

Published in News
Monday, 11 May 2020 09:37

Did Boris' Speech Deliver?

So, what are your thoughts on Boris' speech?  Do you think it delivered?  Was it clear?  Are we the nation fully briefed and inspired for change?  

We help a whole range of people deliver speeches and we write their scripts too.  So, here's what we thought: 

THE SCRIPT: The basics of any good speech are the words you use – your script. Without good content the rest falls down.  And in this speech the content had to be King.  But we felt his script was too conversional in style and too unstructured making it hard to separate the ‘chat’ from the all too important ‘key information’.  And any key bits of information lacked sufficient detail or explanation.  

STRUCTURE:  Having a clear structure is important for any speech, and it’s often good to set this out from the top.  Boris’ script lacked an obvious structure which could mean that any key details are then in danger of getting lost.  

With any speech making sure your viewer walks away with clear and informed ‘takeout’ is so important.   

ALLOCATION OF TIME:  Boris spent a lot of time praising the nation and most importantly the NHS at the top of his speech. Praise indeed, but these encouraging words were not meant to be the main purpose of this particular speech.  We felt he spent too much time at the top on general context, and not enough time on setting out his new plan.  Having a simple ‘running order’ where you allocate time to the key section of your speech forces your hand to focus in on what is important.   We felt Boris shoud have got to his key points of his new plan much much quicker.  And when Boris did finally get to his plan it felt rushed - it was as if he'd run out of time.

CLARITY: We feel Boris should have adopted a much more instructive approach to his speech, focussing in hard on the details of his new 'call to action'. His language and information needed to be more direct with more explanation and detail on the new points.  The nation has waited a good few weeks for this speech, so our expectations were high and our desire for detail was ready and waiting – but did Boris’ speech feed our need?  

THE PURPOSE: Whenever you are delivering a speech it's important to focus in on the purpose – and also not to forget this purpose.  Ask yourself ‘what do I want to achieve with this’?  So, what was Boris' purpose here - to rally the nation, or to give us clear instructions about how to move forwards?  We felt his purpose was lost. 

HIS DELIVERY: Boris has become a much more confident speaker.  As a leader he has found and developed his own style.  The thumping of the desk, the pointed fists to accentuate his key words…he has become more passionate, more focussed and more connected with what he is saying.  But, in this case we feel his impassioned delivery actually overshadowed the need here for good solid content – pure and simple.  Content in this case should have been King, not Boris himself. 

But what did you think?  Do you agree?  Did Boris deliver?  Did it give you what you needed?  

Published in News
Friday, 31 January 2020 11:47


Thanks to all our wonderful clients who came on our 1 day presenter workshop yesterday. This session is a great opportunity to come and build your personal brand and learn how to market yourself. We had business owners, presenters, agents and marketing companies. And this is what each person had to say:
‘The training exceeded my expectations’
‘It was brilliant I loved the practical industry advice’
‘It was so helpful and engaging’
‘It was great to learn from someone who has worked with so many TV presenters’
‘The individual feedback was invaluable - you have inspired a new career - I want to do more’
‘5 stars - so good to learn how to be yourself’
‘I’d 100% recommend you. It was fun, welcoming and I felt really confident in the studio’
‘You made us feel at ease and that we were capable of achieving. The improvement in everyone was amazing to watch’

Published in News
Thursday, 24 October 2019 14:42

Congratulations to chef Norman Musa

We have a whole range of clients come and work with us.  All with very different ambitions and goals.  A few years ago Malaysian chef Norman Musa came and trained with us.  He came on the award-winning Fast Track TV Presenter Training Course. and then we also went to Manchester where we filmed with him in our 1 to 1 advanced presenter training programme.  Norman very quicky found success and went on to present for the BBC and Channel 4 on different food programmes.  He very kindly dropped us a quick update email today to say that he is now into his 5th series of his own cooking series back in Malaysia too.  We are so proud of all the success he has had.   This is what he said about working with us too: 

"Thanks to you and the course I now have 4 seasons of my own cooking show on Malaysian TV, and am about to film my 5th!"

Keep up the good work Norman!  

The Presenter Studio Team x 


Published in News
Monday, 17 June 2019 18:08


Did you watch Francesca Martinez on Question Time?   


Her impassioned answer to Fiona Bruce’s question has gone viral.  So why did her answer engage and touch so many of us?  The reason is it was ‘personal’.  So many debates and speeches lack personal content – we all know people buy people, so where is there so much corporate jargon?  


Francesca’s personal story brings a problem to life.  All of a sudden what she has to say can’t be ignored as we can see and hear from someone who is part of the problem, and this makes it all the more real.  But it wasn’t just what Francesca said on the BBC’s Question Time that connected with people, it was how she said it.  She spoke from the heart.  Her answer was passionate, and passion goes a long way.  If you are passionate about something it’s hard for the viewer not to be too.  


Her passion made her message so much more engaging, and you instantly felt a connection and an understanding of what Francesca was saying.   


We should all learn something from Francesca’s time on Question Time – not only from what she said, but how she made a forgotten problem now a big topical issue – from being personal and passionate.  


Well done Francesca…. 

Published in News
gareth davies

Working With Gareth And Leon

gareth davies
leon campbell

Our tailor-made media coaching is based on over 20 years experience. And we are experts in bringing out your personality, making sure it is both personal to you and works with the brand you represent.

Gareth Davies and Leon Campell are two of the UK’s most successful TV Producers. They have worked with TV’s biggest presenters - Dermot O’Leary, Claudia Winkleman, David Beckham, Zoe Ball, Raymond Blanc, Rylan Clarke, Christine Bleakley…so we know what makes a good personality.

They have worked with all the major TV channels in the UK – BBC, ITV, Channel 4, Channel 5 and SKY - and have won a BAFTA! 

We’ve been trusted to work with some of the worlds most successful brands and their employees – Virgin Business, AOL, The Prudential Plc, Red Bull, Porsche, NIKE, Sega, the Ministry of Defence, ASOS...

So if you want bespoke media training that packs a punch get in contact.  

leon campbell
Published in Business Area
Tuesday, 21 June 2016 12:45

Home - Business Presenter Coaching

Presenter Training


Presentation Skills Coaching

We'll help you and your content have the maximum impact.

Media Training

We’ll help you get the maximum from your media training.
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