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TV Presenter Agent

Friday, 11 November 2016 12:07

It's often the big focus of many presenters - getting themselves a TV presenter agent.  So do you need a presenter agent?  What makes a good agent?  And does a presenter agent get you work?  

Well the truth is you don't need a presenter agent to get work.  It's not like when you are an actor when you need a rubber stamp of approval from an agent in order to go for castings.  Lots of presenters on TV don't have agents, and they actually represent themselves.  

TV producers like ourselves, and TV commissioners love new talent.  And often new talent don't have agents as it's hard to get an agent unless you have got work already.  Agents tend to only take people on who they know they can make money out of, and often see new talent as 'hard work' as you are not an instant cash cow.  So our advise is to always try adn get your own work and be your own boss - it's good to be proactive and our tv presenter training courses tell you how to do this. 

If you do want to get a tv presenter agent make sure you get on with them.  It's got to be a good marriage where you trust each other and want to work together.  But above all be proactive yourself and never reply on an agent to get you work.